In firmware v5.46 we introduce two new features. Fixed a bug in the state of the outputs under the control of Automation, which are reset when changes in the settings "IO Settings" and lose their current state according to Automation rules (now they are reset, but immediately after occupy the corresponding Automation state).adc scan parameter

  The first mew function makes it possible to increase the measurement period of the data from the analog inputs (so far it has been fixed at 20ms). Now you can set it in the range 20ms - 2000ms (in steps of 20ms). The main application of slower sampling is in its effect on delaying the response of the MA filter. Its reaction time = measurement time * the number of measurements of the filter. This can be used as a "delay" before starting an Automation unit, so far the maximum delay time has been around 5s, now it can reach 500s.

  The second function concerns the digital inputs (currently only available in NetControl 20A). In the "Automation" menu you have the option to associate a change of digital input status with the launch of a macro. By changing the Invert setting of the input, the direction of the input change can be changed to trigger the macro.digital2macro